Challenge : 3 Posts

Support From Your Local LEO

There is an unbelievable support in Ireland from your local LEO. Check them out in your area. “The Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) provide an extensive range of supports to local business communities.  Our confidential advisory service is open to anyone exploring self employment as an option or for those who are currently operating a business. To assist

Diastasis Recti – A Book We Love

Diastasis recti, the separation of the abdominal muscles, is a symptom of a whole-body problem. Your abdominal muscles bend, twist, and support the spine. They contract and release to help you breathe, cough, talk, and sing. They stretch to accommodate pregnancy, haul your lower body towards your upper, and protect your abdominal organs. They should

Body Image After Pregnancy

This is an amazing website calle Blood + Milk. Check out their article about photographer Ash Luna who gave birth at 24 weeks to identical twins. Read more …