Postnatal Recovery

It Is Your Journey. No one Elses

Postnatal movement is about reconnecting with the woman you were and embracing the woman you have become. However, exercise for the new mum can be complex. You need to consider so much before you start back. You need to know when it is safe and appropriate to start exercising and which type of exercise will yield the best results for recovery and healing, and then building strength from the onside out.


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The Other Ways to Train Your Core

First and foremost you need to have doctors clearance and must be checked for diastasis recti (a separation of the abdominal muscles) as this will determine what you can and cannot do postpartum, i.e. planks and any abdominal crunches. If you have constant backache this may be making it worse. If you have had an episiotomy you need to know was it a 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree tear and also how it is healing. If you had a C-section you should be aware that you cannot join most (and should not) fitness classes until after 12 weeks. If you have had a vaginal delivery you will have a weakened pelvic floor and need to address this seriously so as to avoid incontinence in the future. If you are breastfeeding the relaxin hormone stays in your body for up to 4 months after you stop, which means you need to be careful about how far you are stretching, so as not to hyperextend and injure yourself. If you are still bleeding, have low or high blood pressure, SI joint disorders or any other issues you should not put pressure on yourself to partake in high impact or strenuous exercise and must be monitored by your doctor.

Bad Posture Wreaks Havoc

You will need to address your posture because you will be seated feeding a lot or you may be leaning over the cot every night, which can lead to rounded shoulders, and also bad standing habits may develop i.e. picking up baby, carrying baby on one hip which may cause imbalances in your movement patterns and lead to discomfort or pain in different parts of the body.

The Effect of Sleep Deprevation

You need to be aware how the lack of sleep affects your body and mind and again realistic expectations are a saving grace here because expecting too much is unhealthy. Stress is a serious condition for new and seasoned moms.

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Our Postnatal Blog

Diastasis Recti – A Book We Love

Diastasis recti, the separation of the abdominal muscles, is a symptom of a whole-body problem. Your abdominal muscles bend, twist, and support the spine. They contract and release to help you breathe, cough, talk, and sing. They stretch to accommodate pregnancy, haul your lower body towards your upper, and protect your abdominal organs. They should […]

Let me introduce you to your pelvic floor

I can say the words pelvic floor until I am blue in the face and people will still look at me with this look that says, yeah yeah I know what you are talking about. But if I ask them, ‘do you know what I’m talking about?’ they shake their heads. It’s one of those things. […]

Breastfeeding: A Pain in the neck

On Wednesday I could feel the headache coming, the niggle was moving up my upper back and into my neck. By Wednesday evening I had a full blown tension headache that lasted two days. I get annoyed with myself when this happens because I know have left things go way to far and I should […]

The Witching Hour

IMPORTANT ADVICE for new moms courtesy of Aoife Burke who may have changed my life! I know it’s dramatic but some will understand the torment – so Aoife was asking how I was getting on and I replied grand apart from the stress of bedtime with an 2 month old and 3 year old … […]

6 Tips to look After your Postpartum Body

After the birth of my second baby in 2017 I got the opportunity to share my views on postnatal recovery in Star Chic Magazine. Read my 6 Tips to look after your postpartum body here.

12 thing you should know about your pelvic floor

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that are part of your core. They are part of the support system providing strength and stability for your spine and pelvis.   The pelvic floor is deeply affected by pregnancy, labour and childbirth and needs a period of rehabilitation postpartum. Read More …

Running when you’re pelvic floor isn’t strong enough

Recently, I had the pleasure of working with a early Post Natal client with a Diastasis (tummy gap), Pelvic Floor issues, back pain and who also experienced urinary incontinence on impact….who, towards the end of our first session together uttered one of  the top Post Natal fitness questions:  ‘So, how long before I can get […]